Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Advantages of Using Slik Flowers for Your Wedding

Silk or Artificial flowers are becoming more & more popular for weddings & Celebrations due to the superior quality offered. Gone are the days of plastic dew drop roses in Garish colours to be replaced by flowers so botanically correct in every detail it is hard to tell the difference.

They are Available in a vast array of colours and always in season you can have virtually any flower in any colour at anytime of year and unlike Fresh Flowers they are always in season.If you or your Guests suffer with Hayfever they are perfect and you have no worries about allergies spoiling your big day.

You can purchase your flowers well in advance of your Big Day so no surprises or panic on the morning of the wedding if they are not what you expected.For weddings abroad they are perfect, lightweight & easy to transport, they can be transported as hand luggage and a tried & tested method of transportation is a large Hat box which works perfectly.

The cost of silk is marginally cheaper than Fresh but due to the excellent quality of the flowers they are now becoming comparable to Fresh. The advantage of silk is that they can be kept indefinitely if they are stored or displayed correctly.

To store your Silk Flowers before your big day always use Acid Free Tissue paper & keep them in the box they arrive in, away from damp & direct Sunlight, which will fade them. Silk flowers & foliage are of the highest quality and you will amazed at the detail on each flower making them indistinguishable from the real thing.

Having Artificial flowers means you have a lasting reminder of your Big day without the additional costs of having your Bouquet Preserved after the event. This can be costly and add to your floral budget.

Jaleel Illustrated Designs

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